Jane's clothes washer, portable toilet & wonder box
We learned how to deal with toilets not working, waste disposal, proper ways to deal with garbage and trash, controling insects and rodents, keeping odors under control, and personal hygiene. We need to know these things to keep ourselves and others from getting sick.
It is necessary to keep our hands, body and mouth clean even when the water is limited. We talked about the ways we can do this with little water. We also discussed the items necessary to store to accomplish these things. Jane brought in her little clothes washer to show us along with her portable toilet. We showed other ways to wash clothes and provide a toilet if you did not own these items.
Also, the disinfectants that we need to have on hand to keep disease under control were talked about. Rod Larkin said he could get us the disinfectants we need, so if you don't have yours yet or need to add to them talk to Rod Larkin. Thanks Rod!! We appreciate it!
Sanitation is one of the critical components of preparedness!! If there is a flu quarentine who is going to maintain sewage, garbage pick-up, etc? If there is a financial crisis worse than what we have now- how will the communities afford to dispose of our waste? We need to take emgerency sanitation seriously or the consequences could be dire! We do not want our soil, air and water to be contaminated!! Water will be limited so it is especially important to not contaminate it.
If you need information on this subject please contact me.
We had some questions about a Wonder Box, which is a way to cook foods with little energy. There will be a complete forum on this on Oct 28 when we will learn alternative ways to cook. However, Jane brought her Wonder Box filled with a pot of cooked beans to show us how it works. The beans were cooked in about 6 hours in this box without the use of fuel!! These boxes are now available for the cost of $35.00. If you are interested please call Jane Jensen (801) 546 0303.
The next forum will be on water and water filteration. We all need to know about this. If you have a filteration system you would like to share please bring it with you---Thanks! See ya Thursday @ 7 pm in the room next to the kitchen.
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