Saturday, January 23, 2010

Keeping an Accurate Inventory Forum was well attended

Those that attended the forum on how to keep an accurate inventory left with much information, inventory sheets and ideas.  We talked about the different ways to keep an inventory on paper, spreadsheets and online.  There is a  good site to go to for an inventory paper form it is  Also the food analizer that you can get off of Emergency Essentials web site is very helpful. The analizer is great because you enter data about your family size and the amount of storage you have and they calculate for you the amount of storage you have in days. It is a really great tool.  You may need to adjust yuor storage to the items on their site but this is easily done. If you need help, please call.  Always keep a hard copy of online and spreadsheet inventories as they will do you no good if we have no electricity.  Thumbdrives will not help either in this situation. We also talked about the problems with having just wheat in your storage and how you can expand the possiblities of making different types of foods by adding just a few items to your storage. Doing this avoids diet fatigue.
The next forum is on Rotation of suppliesWe will from experience talk about what lasts in long term storage and what doesn't.  One of the people that signed on to this blog shared that raisens and noodles did not last for them (see comments)when being stored in #10 can from the storehouse after 12 years.  This is the type of thing we need to know.  Please come and share your experiences with us.  We want to learn from each other.  I hope you are all working on your storage plan.  Don't give up or feel overwhelmed, just a little at a time works well.   Thanks for login on---See you on Thursday!!

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